"Dark Knight" Breaks yet another record:

The Warner Bros. Batman flick pulled in $16.8 million to raise its total to $471.5 million. "The Dark Knight" passed the original "Star Wars" ($461 million) and now stands as No. 2 on the all-time domestic charts(not adjusted for inflation), behind only "Titanic" ($600.8 million). Warner Bros. expects "The Dark Knight" to top out at about $530 million domestically.

As of right now worldwide, TDK has made a little over 800 million so far..

Domestic: $471,493,000 58.9%
+ Foreign: $328,600,000 41.1%
= Worldwide: $800,093,000 !

Justice League movie officially cancelled:

Via Filmonic:
“We’re not off the notion of a Justice League,” Robinov says. “There’s a massive interest and knowledge in the comicbook industry and it takes time to sort of catch up and understand the characters and the history, where they’ve intersected with each other and what their worlds are. That’s part of the education that we’re going through.”

“These are big, iconic characters,” [Greg] Noveck says. “So when you make them into a movie, you’d better be shooting for a pretty high standard. You’re not always going to reach it, but you have to be shooting for it. We’re going to make a Justice League movie, whether it’s now or 10 years from now. But we’re not going to do it and Warners is not going to do it until we know it’s right.“

DC’s first solo movie off the blocks will most likely be Green Lantern, which already has a script and is apparently ready to go.