For the past two weeks I've been saddened by the devestating earthquake/tsunami diaster and I couldnt believe the magnitude of the matter... more than 155,000 deaths and over half a million people seriously injured, and still thousands missing. This is something that may take up to 10 years just to rebuild everything. Those who survived (an estimated 5 million) have no fresh water or food and have become disease-stricken. My heart goes out to all those who were lost and their families as well. Here are a bunch of links to sites where you can donate money to help these people, or to learn more about just what happened.


American Cross Donations

AmeriCares Donations

South-East Asia Earthquake and Tsunami

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

Network For Good

Tsunami Missing Persons

Asia Earthquake & Tsunami Fund

CNN's list of Aid groups accepting donations for victims